DemoDay #8

Mediahuis Aachen Dresdener Straße 3, Aachen

Erlebe die TOP-Startup-Newcomer der Aachen Area live! Beim DemoDay #8 des digitalHUB Aachen präsentieren die Teams ihre Geschäftsmodelle, berichten von Meilensteinen und ihren nächsten Schritten. Die Startups kommen aus den Bereichen Wissensmanagement, Bildungstechnologien, Nachhaltigkeit, Health Care und GreenTech. Nach den Pitches und der Verleihung des Best Pitch Awards hast du die Chance, die Gründer:innen persönlich

Transfer Workshop: ErUM-Scientists & Industry in Dialogue

In February 2025, the BMBF-funded ErUM-Data-Hub based at RWTH Aachen University will host a transfer workshop in Aachen to promote the exchange of knowledge on software, algorithms, and AI between science and industry. We would be delighted to invite you to participate.

Innovation Spark: From Research to Action

Startup Village Jülich Am Brainergy Park 1, Jülich

Founder Insights and Creative Exploration Starting a company as a researcher is an exhilarating adventure that transforms groundbreaking ideas into impactful solutions. But what does this journey entail, and how can you navigate it successfully? The three hour workshop, hosted by Startup Village Jülich in cooperation with Forschungszentrum Jülich and FH Aachen combines insights from